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Discovery of Tile City Kütahya

🗓️ 2 day

📍5 station

💰 Expensive

🌎 Cultural and Historical

☁️ Every Season

👣 Approximately 6.250 steps


🚗 Day 1 - 2 stops

1. Aizanoi Ancient City

This city, dating back to the ancient Roman period, hosts many important ruins that reflect the richness and culture of the ancient Roman Empire. Aizanoi was one of the important settlement centers of the Roman Empire in ancient times and experienced a period of great prosperity, especially in the 2nd century AD. The Temple of Zeus, the most important structure of Aizanoi, was built during the ancient Roman period. This temple is considered one of the largest temples of the Roman Empire. There is also a stadium and bath complex in Aizanoi. These structures provide information about social and sports activities in ancient times. Aizanoi Ancient City was included in the World Heritage Tentative List by UNESCO in 2012. This is a sign of recognition that highlights the historical and cultural importance of Aizanoi. Today, Aizanoi Ancient City offers visitors the opportunity to explore many important structures from the ancient Roman period.

2. Kutahya Castle

The city of Kütahya has been under the influence of many civilizations throughout history and this castle has witnessed this rich history. Located on İsmet Paşa Street, the castle was built in a position overlooking the city. The history of Kütahya Castle dates back to BC. However, the ruins that have survived to the present day generally belong to the Roman and Byzantine periods. The castle was used as an important defense point during the period under the rule of the Byzantine Empire. During the Ottoman period, Kütahya Castle was repaired and expanded to protect the city. Various structures were added and arrangements were made within the castle over time. The castle ruins that have survived from the Ottoman period offer visitors the opportunity to experience the historical atmosphere.

🚗 Day 2 - 3 stops

1. Dumlupınar Martyrdom

It is administered by the Turkish Armed Forces. Dumlupınar went down in history as the place where the Great Offensive (August 30 Victory) took place, a great war that determined the fate of the Turkish War of Independence and enabled the Turkish army to emerge victorious. Dumlupınar Martyrdom is located in Dumlupınar in order to keep the memory of this great war, which became the symbol of victory, alive. and the Monument was built. The Martyrdom was used as a burial ground for Turkish soldiers who lost their lives at that time. Dumlupınar Martyrdom is a national symbol in that it represents an important period in the Turkish nation's struggle for independence.

2. Kütahya Archeology Museum

The museum houses archaeological artifacts from various periods and exhibits important ruins that shed light on the history of Kütahya. Works dating from ancient times to the Ottoman period can be found in the museum's collection. Various objects such as archaeological remains, ceramics, sculptures, mosaics and other archaeological finds can form the museum's collection. Exhibits inside the museum are generally arranged in chronological order and provide visitors with information to help them understand the history of the area. Additionally, the museum is an important resource for researchers, students, and history enthusiasts. This museum, which takes travelers on a historical journey, is one of the important places of the city.

3. Tiled Mosque

Kütahya Tiled Mosque is a historical mosque located in Kütahya, Turkey. The mosque is known as one of the important examples of Turkish-Islamic art and takes its name from the tile workmanship used in its interior and exterior decorations. Tiled Mosque stands out as an impressive example of Ottoman period architecture. The mosque is an important building not only for worship purposes but also for aesthetic purposes. It was enriched by using various geometric patterns, geometric motifs and colorful tiles in its architecture. These tiles are located in many parts of the mosque, from its walls to its pulpit. The historical and architectural features of the Kütahya Tiled Mosque are a very good place for those who want to understand the rich history of Turkish-Islamic art and visit this important work.

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